Machinery facilities of the plastics molding plant
The plastic moulding plant is equipped with equipment ensuring a stable production process of plastic parts. The press shop is equipped with two cranes, each with a capacity of 5 tons, molecular drying forces and tempering units. The presses TH170, TH220, TH280 and DL 650 AS are equipped with YUDO SONIX 810 robots that automatically take out the finished plastic products.
YUDO SONIX-810 robots for 170, 220, 280 and 650 ton presses
- freely programmable
- all axes are driven by servo motors
- each robot is equipped with a conveyor belt 250 cm long and the width of the loading area is 60 cm
- axis “C” – air, maximum load of axis “Y” including the gripper is 5 kg
Four molecular drying silos by SIMATEC S.r.l with volumes of 2x 80l and 2x 150l
- injection moulding machines and drying silos are equipped with SIMATEC S.r.l. suction units
- SIMATEC S.r.l insulated hoppers, equipped with neodymium magnets
Tempering equipment (6 pcs) from AEC with a heating capacity of 9 kW and a maximum coolant temperature of 120°C.
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